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Safer Steps;
Increasing Women's Safety Together

a Tour


Women's Safety Survey


In 2021 / 22 Wise Women, along with our partners Glasgow Girls Club, Commonplace and Glasgow Violence Against Women Partnership undertook a survey asking women about where they felt unsafe in Glasgow.

Access our final report below.

Give Us Your Feedback
We’d love to hear what you thought about the report.

Thanks for sharing your feedback with us!

Book a Safety Tour

  • Do you have an area where there is concern about women's safety?

  • Are you developing a neglected piece of land?

  • Is there new infrastructure, such as bridges, being developed in your area?


If your answer to any of the above is yes, you may benefit from our Safer Steps Safety Tours. Our tours support women to visit areas, highlight areas of concern and find solutions. 

For councils and companies this puts women's safety at the centre of their developments and;

  • Helps them to achieve their Sustainable Development Goals.

  • Provides information on safety for women, which means safety for everyone, early on in development.

  • Provides an independent evaluation of their redevelopment.

If you would like to enquire about organising a tour in your area, or if you are a woman who would like to take part, please email us by using the button below.

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